This Just In: CrunchGear Mocks DIY Portland Bookstore for Being Anti-Kindle, Notes the Low Salaries of Employees

Nice way to insult somebody on the terms of financial bias and cultural snobbery. Here’s hoping AOL doesn’t collapse in on itself this year, by the way.

The kindle seems like a cool development, but it’s like comparing an 18 year-old school girl to Marlene Dietrich in my eyes. Honestly, books are sexy. I respect books and appreciate their tactile charm and the investment of time that they command. That’s saying something… whereas internet blogs and whatnot are a cold medium that always have me looking for additional sources and corroboration.

On a professional level, I get nervous when I walk into an office and don’t see any books around… it implies that people there don’t get to spend the time mastering their craft or pursuing their own passions so that they can approach things in a fresh manner. Imagine that you’re so crushed as to not seek stimuli anymore. May as well fire up the THX-1138 soundtrack (shout out to film school alum GL there!) and watch life dwindle away from your cube.

Every shitty boss I’ve ever had has never kept a book around… and I’ve moved enough to hate the things and the space they take up, but I just CAN’T.

Anyway, GearCrunch: just because cancer is popular doesn’t mean it’s GOOD.

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